Minsuk Kahng 강민석

Update: I recently left Google DeepMind and started a faculty job in South Korea.

Hi, I'm an Assistant Professor at Yonsei University in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, where I co-lead the Human-Data Interaction Lab.

My research aims to empower researchers and practitioners to gain insights through interactive data visualization, enabling them to responsibly develop AI systems. To achieve this goal, I build novel visual analytics tools that help these people interactively explore and analyze data in AI systems. The tools I created have been successfully integrated into workflows for error analysis, bias discovery, model evaluation, and interpretation. One such tool, LLM Comparator, has been extensively used internally at Google and was featured at Google I/O as part of the Gemini models and the Responsible AI Toolkit .

Before joining Yonsei, I was a Senior Research Scientist at Google DeepMind in the People + AI Research (PAIR) team and an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. I received my Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, advised by Polo Chau, along with a Dissertation Award and fellowships from NSF and Google.

Areas of expertise: Visual Analytics, Data Visualization, Responsible AI, Explainable AI, Human-Computer Interaction

Research Interests

My research group works at the intersection of data visualization and responsible AI. In particular, we focus on identifying the challenges practitioners face when working with data in AI development and and design web-based tools to help them uncover new insights from data and models. In doing so, we seek to improve their models, address data biases, and build trust in AI systems.

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Minsuk Kahng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Yonsei University in South Korea. His research aims to empower researchers and practitioners to gain insights through interactive data visualization, enabling the responsible development of AI systems. To achieve this, he builds novel visual analytics tools that help these people interpret model behavior and explore large datasets. Kahng publishes papers at the top venue in the field of data visualization (IEEE VIS), as well as at premier conferences in the field of AI, Human-Computer Interaction, and Responsible Computing. His research has led to deployed technologies (e.g., LLM Comparator for Google, ActiVis for Facebook) and been recognized by prestigious awards, including a Google PhD Fellowship and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and supported by NSF, DARPA, Google, and NAVER. Before joining Yonsei, Minsuk was a Senior Research Scientist at Google DeepMind in the People + AI Research (PAIR) team and an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. He received his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech with a Dissertation Award.

Website: https://minsuk.com
CV: https://minsuk.com/minsuk-kahng-cv.pdf